Alternatives Journal is Canada's Environmental Voice

Alternatives Journal is Canada's Environmental Voice. With the popular publication providing independent and informed journalism on the environment since 1971, a revitalization of the brand and digital media was needed.

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  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Marketing strategy
  • Digital branding
  • User interface design
  • Search engine strategy
  • Search engine optimization
  • Website launch promotion
  • Website launch event
  • Technology strategy
  • Information architecture
  • Enterprise Drupal CMS
  • Responsive website design
  • Content management system (CMS)
  • Content planning & publishing
  • CMS system service & support
  • Website hosting


A bold rebranding was designed creating a powerful new digital media presence. With thousands of articles and stories, inspiring sustainability action and engagement with millions of Canadians, the publication is poised to build its brand.




Architected for mass media and developed with search engine strategies, online traffic has increased locally, nationally, and globally. Monthly sales volume tripled with the launch of the new website and enterprise content management system.

After 50 years of publishing the Alternatives Journal is now extending beyond Canada's national leading environmental publication and creating a global presence.


Laptop Alternative Journal
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  • Case Study
    Mandy Bujold

    She represented Canada in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, Brazil, as a As a female athlete, there was a need to help bring awareness of her fight to reach the top of the podium.

  • Case Study

    With an outdated system a digital rebranding and new website was needed to reach out to people suffering within communities across Canada.

  • Case Study

    In a consultative engagement, data from a complex compilation of five databases was analyzed and reviewed to help understand the existing customer base.

  • Case Study
    Toronto Police

    The public demands on the Toronto Police Service have been increasing. The population has been growing and innovative ways to keep the city safe and the crime rates low are in review.