Connecting & Inspiring Coaches


Coach Them makes it faster for coaches to create practice plans and drills. With over 1000 drills with videos to inspire coaches, the platform was evolving to focus on introducing new future features and benefits for players and coaches.

Cutout Image with Video


  • Design thinking sessions
  • Technology strategy
  • Product development
  • Technology roadmapping
  • Funding & innovation
  • User Interface design
  • User Experience design
  • Sales strategy & support
  • Business development
  • Marketing & partnerships


With the right energy in the Whiteboard Room, the ideas began to flow. Design thinking sessions and teamwork bring together new features and exciting innovations to evolve the product and platform.


Draw drills once and keep them forever. Create practice plans with the click of a button. Tap into the marketplace and find drills already made for your team. Share videos to inspire you and your coaches to develop skills, create better practice sessions and ensure players are enjoying training for the game they love to play.

Cutout Image with Video


Technology roadmapping prioritized and organized the features and benefits into product releases by quarter. Creative mock ups and user experience journeys for designed a flow for the application. Product prototyping conceptualized a vision for the future releases of the coaching portal. Sales and marketing was activated to support the product, partner channels and business development.


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    Coach Them

    Coach Them makes it faster for coaches to create practice plans and drills. The platform was evolving to focus on introducing new future features and benefits for players and coaches.

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